As my most popular posts seems to be those about new equestrian trends and styles (equestrian lifestyle guru in the making here! 😉) I thought I'd share my own SS17 wishlist or in other words what I already have on pre-order/ what I will buy as soon as possible list!
I'm currently trying to ignore the fact that we've had over 25cm of snow in the last 48 hours and that it looks like we've gone backwards in time to 3 months ago and whatever hint of spring that was in the air over the weekend has now fully disappeared... I'm also trying to ignore the fact that both boys feeling a bit 'bleh' recently. Nothing is really wrong but neither has their usual umph and nothing seems to excite them anymore - I think they are both suffering from the winter blues, wishing that spring would arrive so that we wouldn't have to spend any more time in the indoor. So yes, onto the bright, happy fun stuff!