
SS17 Wishlist

As my most popular posts seems to be those about new equestrian trends and styles (equestrian lifestyle guru in the making here! 😉) I thought I'd share my own SS17 wishlist or in other words what I already have on pre-order/ what I will buy as soon as possible list!
I'm currently trying to ignore the fact that we've had over 25cm of snow in the last 48 hours and that it looks like we've gone backwards in time to 3 months ago and whatever hint of spring that was in the air over the weekend has now fully disappeared... I'm also trying to ignore the fact that both boys feeling a bit 'bleh' recently. Nothing is really wrong but neither has their usual umph and nothing seems to excite them anymore - I think they are both suffering from the winter blues, wishing that spring would arrive so that we wouldn't have to spend any more time in the indoor. So yes, onto the bright, happy fun stuff!


Saddle update!

At last! After spending the last 9 months wishing for a deeper seat for Basse's WOW saddle, it finally arrived on Monday and yesterday I got ride in my 'new' saddle. I can't say it's totally new because we've only changed the seat from deep to extra deep, but it does feel like a brand new saddle to me 😁
The extra deep seat has a very high round cantle to give a deep supportive seat and is used mainly by dressage riders. The deep seat instead has just a high round cantle and is used by dressage riders and show jumpers alike because the seat give a secure central feel, but the extra deep is designed just for dressage riders because it does sit you really 'deep' - which I prefer a lot more!! Not only do I feel more secure, but my back is a lot happier too. The extra deep seat lets my sit in such a way that lets me find the most comfortable position for my back. This is incredibly important for me as I suffer from my spine being too straight - caused by one too many back injuries which have caused a lessened curvature in my spine. 


Trends to watch out for: HV Polo SS17

Spring time colours!! ❤️ 💛 💚 💙 💜 Finally some wonderfully bright colours are coming out! I always prefer the SS collections as they lean towards brighter colours than AW collections (obviously) but having survived the -20C snow and ice for the last few months I am TOTALLY ready for spring 🌳🌱🌷 🌻🌸🌼🌺


The curious case of Bastitini

Life with this little grey one is never going to be boring... Despite having owned him for over a decade, I feel like I have only just figured out how to ride him! We're coming to the end of our rehabilitation plan, so that now I would be willing to take him to somewhere for a training session - if we could actually trailer anywhere because the roads are currently just ice and far too dangerous! ❄️ 🦄