"Life is about change. Sometimes it's painful. Sometimes it's beautiful. But most of the time, it's both."
—Lana Lang
Although it may seem crazy to some, at the end of February I moved again - although with the way that the last two years have seemed to be going, it really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that I decided to move in with my boyfriend and take the dog and my three horses with me 🏡 I have contemplated for the last few months on whether I should just quit blogging entirely, to delete this one and start a new fresh one or to carry on with this one. I came to the conclusion that this blog, like it always has been, is first and foremost my diary of my horsey life. It just so happens to be a publicly available online diary that others can also read, but at its core it remains my diary - and with all of my history on here starting from 2013, it felt wrong to delete this and start again. So I'm carrying on here, because finally I feel like it's the right time to write again.